What We Do
Help Supply Materials Needed On The Front
Our first major project, patterned with the Ukrainian organization, Cossacks Forge. We help finance and produce metal supplies needed by the military to construct defensive fortifications. The most demanded item, staples (Скоби), are made at the forge and sent directly to the front.
How Are Staples Used By The Military
Staples are the binding agent used when reinforcing bunkers and trenches with wooden logs. To build a single 3x3 meter bunker with wooden support beams it takes approximately 350 staples.
Staple Count 297,200
Staple Count 297,200 〰️
Cossacks Forge has been making staples and burners for the military since the start of the full scale invasion. With tireless effort, the organization has produced enough staples to build almost 1,000 3x3m bunkers.
Other Items We Help Create
Trench Candles- Used on the front to stay warm and heat meals.
Decoy Systems- Used to misguide munitions and observers.
Burners- Used to heat rooms, cook food, dry clothes.